YouTube has become very popular in the present era, everybody wants to create something new and make a video on youtube but they don’t have a specific platform for how to start a youtube channel and make money and built future through this platform. We will deliver easy and natural tips with the help of these tips you can start a channel on YouTube stage that are as follow:
1. Commence Right Now, Without Think Anything
If you want to make a video and it has become your dream to have your own YouTube channel so you have to start right now, without thinking anything. Some people are still present who think about building a youtube channel and do anything that they want, but days, months even years have passed away to think about it but not raise their step. So, the moral is that if you are looking to make a youtube channel, make immediately, press record, and just begin.
After some duration, you will see how your first video made and on which platform you are now, it will happen, when you commence right now.
2. Make Your Profile Picture
When you make a video on the YouTube platform, to earn more subscriptions and attract the audience you need to upload a profile picture for your channel that will become a brand value for your channel and you will identify by that profile picture.
It is necessary to upload a profile picture on YouTube. Because it would help to make an identity on the online stage you will recognize by the audience and make a personality through your efforts.
3. Always Updated About What You Make
A person who makes a channel to show their creativity through that should always be updated about it. Your theme which uploaded on youtube will always update because it will help you think and learn more about what you making for. The addiction to creating a new thing will help to attract the audience to watch your potential. The new things, news, new techniques, are the update tactics that assist you to connect with the topic.

4. Upload Tag Line Or Banner For Your Channel
You decide to how to start a youtube channel and make money is good, but to become more attractive and for make identity, you should add a tag line or banner with your channel that will help to vibe for the audience, a better explanation about your topic, and draw yourself to the audience it is necessary.
5. Built Strategy That You Will Follow
A thing that helps you to push towards success is your strategy. Make your strategy that will up to your thinking ability. It will like that,
- What you need a thing for your channel to succeed.
- How will the audience attract to your channel?
- Why should the viewers watch your channel?
This strategy will help to give a better confidence level and energy to create new things and monitoring ways for growth.
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6. Memorize, How YouTube Operates
It can be possible that your first your video will not be perfect and popular but it will be valid to be good enough because it is your first step in creating a video, your hard work towards your channel will serve the popularity continue. For building a popular youtube channel you need to memorize how the YouTube platform works. The things to learn about the workflow of youtube videos.
7. Upload A Good Name For Channel
How to start a youtube channel and make money, you need a recorded video along with an attractive name and logo as well. The profile picture, name, and logo describe what your channel is built for, what your channel makes about, and how you will attract the viewers to your channel it will depend on your channel name and logo. If your name would entice the audience to words your channel you will hold more subscribers and likes in the future.
8. Topic Should Be More Attractive
All videos on youtube we see are uploading from their topic if you start a new channel on YouTube so your topic is more attractive than your uploaded video. All viewers’ ad audiences attract to watch the video through reading the topic if it seems more impressive and outstanding viewers will pull to your channel. The topic that you choose for presenting your video show on the YouTube home page. thus, choose attractive topics. It will also help to build millions of subscribers for your channel.
9. Know About Audience
Always remember that what the audience likes to watch, know about their preference, and how to deliver your content to your viewers. There are some factors which consider liking by the audience
- Gender
- Location/place
- Attraction
- Age
- Interest
- Language
These points are helpful to know the preferences of your audience, they like to watch these segments in your video content, but they also consider how you deliver motive through your channel or video.
10. Focus On Recess And Give potential For That
 Find a recess to your video content and concentrate on it, do hard work, and find a new thing about it, it will help you to get millions of subscribers and audience. There are thousands of recess or niche in your mind choose it, give concentration to that, and learn new things.
11. Built Question For Audience
If you prepare questions and survey that linked to your topic for audiences, will help to communicate with them and make vibe for the viewer. The more viewer answers your questions, would provide subscriptions to your channel, for example, you make a channel linked with mobiles and accessories, asked questions about it or make a survey about a new phone or electronic devices to the audience they will give a better answer according to their preferences. This is a classical way to startup channel growth and makes more subscribers for his channel.
This creative competent point or ways will help you in how to start a youtube channel and make money and also benefit for built more viewers and subscribers to your channel.